Saturday, October 27, 2007

Late October Update

I thought I'd give a few updates on this seemingly dreary, windy Saturday morning. A week ago yesterday, the marching band had a very successful indoor marching concert. It being my first time, I admit not knowing what to expect in terms of audience turnout, pacing, etc. But we had a good amount of support, there, and the kids seemed excited and focused.

As a good follow-up, we (72 kids, chaperones, and my sister) traveled to Ann Arbor the next night for the University of Michigan's Band-O-Rama. The concert featured the Concert Band, Symphony Band, and Marching Band. It was great because each portion of the concert had something especially worthwhile. The Concert Band is sounding good these days under the direction of Rodney Dorsey (who the band had the good fortune to work with in the Spring). They played "Blue Shades" and played it very well.

The Symphony Band performed "Symphonic Dances from West Side Story," which seemed pretty exciting for all the kids. They got a chance to see, I think, that our arrangement is pretty accurate to the original (rhythmically and motivically). I think we were the only band there shouting "Mambo."

Seeing the Marching Band portion was amazing, and it was a special highlight for the kids to see Andrew Lapin (former BHS band member) marching and playing trombone. When he came out doing entries, I think a few kids almost fainted a la Beatlemania. I'm very proud of him for making these blocks his freshman year--not easy to do in the competitive trombone section. It was really fun for me to see some colleagues from this summer's classes (and before) conducting the band. It's a switch to see my friend Dave Tenerelli up in front after seeing him in front of a recorder class in Jackson. What a fun gig for him.

Tim Cibor (band director at Seaholm and beloved coach at our marching band camp) came with his band, too, which was great.

It's nights that like that make me more and more grateful for the position I'm in.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Concert--This Friday

Just a reminder that the marching band has their annual Indoor Marching Concert this Friday, October 19th. The concert will begin at 7:30 PM at the BHS Auditorium. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Tag Days '07

What can I say? Our Berkley band students are the best kids around. Period. If anyone has any Norup or Anderson pictures, I'd love to post those, too...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Photos from Homecoming

On Friday, I had friend and professional photographer Abby Veldman take pictures of the marching band at the Homecoming football game. You can follow this link to view the pictures and buy prints if you like: Click on "Clients" at the bottom of the home page, and then click on "Berkley Homecoming."

Enjoy! I think she captured some really nice moments from the night...