Monday, October 27, 2008

Tag Days 2008

Here are some pictures from Tag Days 2008. Thanks to Robertta Goffeney for the pictures and for her wonderful help organizing this important fundraiser.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Late October Notes

I thought I'd post and update on some of the things that have gone on in October. First, I'm happy to say that our annual tag days fundraiser went well, with the Berkley community showing up big in their usual way with donations. I was worried that with the state of the economy and the construction in and around Berkley, we might have a low total. Maybe people are simply throwing out their 401K statements when they come in the mail. Whatever the case, the band and orchestra appreciate the generosity.

The marching band is about to wrap up its 2008 season. We had a long Homecoming day on Friday with practice from 7:40 - 8:50 AM, a pep assembly from 11:25 - 12:25, a "parade" in the rain from 5:15 - 5:45 PM, and a game that seemed to never end. Simply put, I couldn't have been more proud of the band that day. I told them at the game what class they have. Most kids would simply not be selfless enough to devote that kind of time and energy to a group endeavor. I hope they know how much I appreciate them. BIG time props to our three band members who made the homecoming court: sophomore Elliott Littman, junior Brittany Weinstein, and--drumroll--Homecoming king Ben Levin! Drum Major Megan MacDonald said it well: "Maybe everyone is starting to notice how cool we music geeks are." Props also to Aaron Levin, drumline section leader, for time spent developing a new cadence to play at the game.

This Wednesday we will travel to Anderson MS at the end of the school day for a brief assembly (an important recruiting effort for us). Thursday night is our indoor marching concert at 7:30 in the BHS Auditorium. People consistently tell me how much they enjoy this concert, and I'm hoping this year will be even better than last. I think the best part about it is the interaction between the band and the audience, or maybe more specifically, the proximity between performers and those in attendance. Finally, many of the marching band and concert band kids will travel to Ann Arbor Saturday night for the annual U of M Band-O-Rama concert. Whew--lots going on.

Norup 7th and 8th graders will lead the Halloween parades at both Burton Elementary and Norup on Friday. Should be lots of fun. I'll be dressed as the farmer from "American Gothic," complete with pitch-fork donated by my step-dad.

Look for tag days photos to come...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Last Call for NYC Trip Chaperones

Mr. Shaw will be accepting chaperone applications for the Spring 2009 NYC trip through the end of this week (ending Friday, October 24th). If you are interested in chaperoning our trip, please fill out the attached application and either email it or have your student bring in a hard copy. Here's the application:

I currently have completed applications from the following parents:

Lois Davis
Sheryl Stoddard
Mary Jo Israel
Emily Desmond
Robertta Goffeney
Kenyatta Franks

We need a total of 8 chaperones for the trip. I would love to have some male chaperones attend. Please do not worry that you've missed a deadline for turning in money--the travel company is being flexible as we decide on chaperones.

Ryan Shaw