Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Marching Band Reminders

I'm just writing with a few reminders about this week in marching band. First, we have our next football game performance this Thursday evening at 7:00 PM. This time, we'll be meeting at the fields across from the high school at 4:45 PM for a warm-up and run-throughs rehearsal. This rehearsal should last approximately 45 minutes, leaving about an hour for students to get dressed and get something to eat before meeting at Anderson MS (in the courtyard) at 6:30 PM. Don't forget to be in full uniform!

Second, as I've told the band several times, there is NO invitational this weekend. Because the scheduled invitational took place during the Jewish holiday, it was moved to this past weekend (which I thought was a little early in the school year). Therefore, again, there is NO invitational this weekend.

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